Jon Stewart did the same thing, endlessly going on about Joe Biden's age on his return to The Daily Show, but, mentioning Trump's age (briefly) and comparing the two as equals.

When he received criticism about this, he said that he accepted that criticism, but that he has the freedom to say what he wants. This is true, but the two presumed candidates are NOT equal. One is a dire threat to our own freedoms and rights, the other works to safeguard them. Try pointing that out, perhaps.

I have been very disappointed in mainstream media's willingness to promote this both-side-ism and to provide Trump with hours and hours of free publicity. This, and all the while harping about President Biden's age, just like it did "Hillary's emails". The real stolen election was in 2016.

Mainstream media -- do better.

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He indeed has the freedom to say whatever he wants. We have the freedom to decide not to give him an audience.

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Biden’s age is newsworthy only as a peripheral fact. The credence given to a single man’s opinion on Biden’s is as irresponsible as the man who disseminated it.

Meanwhile the memory-challenged morbidly-obese elderly man who rants on about retribution seems to get a free pass.

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Thank you Rachel. This is one reason why we canceled the NYT’s. They were so negative and still are. I appreciate the viewpoints and others bring to Substack. Please keep in.

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Good read. Yes, biden is old, so is my neighbor 85. Slower in getting around but sharp . Blunders a name now and then when we get into it but not anymore than I. My other neighbor just turned 97, had to go to a wheelchair after covid but I sit for hours with him discussing history.

It's ALL about the clicks. Americans have gotten lazy,whining about stupid shit. Memories of gnats when it comes to history. I am independent, democrats are beginning to make me feel embarrassed for them, the way they eat their own. I stand with Joe.

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